
Product Design & Design Thinking

We design product and service offerings for our clients. The challenging exciting part about creating a premium product brand is the journey of:

a) creating a distinct concept. This concept must reflect multiple truths – the culture of the company that makes it, the culture of the category it belongs to, and the culture of the country in which it sells.

b) a design that blends into the consumers’ lifestyle, and 

c) relentless execution, perfecting the fine balance between ergonomics, elegance and economics.

To this end, we follow our process of defining the “Capital Truth”. 

The FWC360 Capital Truth approach, has helped us create distinct products such as the premium Asian-focused audio range, for French Luxury giant Focal, eyeliner and lip-balm for the global beauty leader Maybelline from L’Oréal, Fila, a new range and product positioning for Regio Italia and its India joint venture owner Raymond.


The Why


The What

Product Market Fit Testing

Will it Work?

Packaging Design

Want-Need Demand Fulfillment